Wednesday, 24 January 2007

Word 2007 Content Placeholders and the Word 2003 plugin for Office 2007

It's to Microsofts credit that they have provided a plugin for Word 2003 that will allow the reading of a Word 2007 .docx file. And it (mostly) works. If however you need to use some of the new features office 2007 - such as the content placeholders you'll find that the content inside them won't render. I'm hoping they'll fix this soon.

If you haven't checked out content placeholders you can file many articles on it, but here is a reasonable overview on content placeholders in Office 2007. It's a great new feature, but as usual not without it's limitations, such as handling repeating sub groups, and the definate need of a configuration editor that others outside the Office team have had to write.

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