Friday 16 May 2008

BDC - I just wanna connect!

Using the Business Data Catalogue (BDC to the cool) is still quite painful, and all the articles I've seen cut straight to clever "best practice" methods such as Single Sign On and Passthrough authentication. Sometimes though you just want to connect to the BDC using standard SQL Server credentials. The key is the ridiculously named "RevertToSelf" authentication mode. Below is a snippet you can use, simply replace the connection details with valid ones. This should allow you to test everything out much more simply, and allow you to diagnose your problems with SSO etc in good time.

- <LobSystemInstance Name="TestInstance">
- <Properties>
<Property Name="DatabaseAccessProvider" Type="Microsoft.Office.Server.ApplicationRegistry.SystemSpecific.Db.DbAccessProvider">SqlServer</Property>
<Property Name="AuthenticationMode" Type="Microsoft.Office.Server.ApplicationRegistry.SystemSpecific.Db.DbAuthenticationMode">RevertToSelf</Property>
<Property Name="RdbConnection Data Source" Type="System.String">w2k3moss</Property>
<Property Name="RdbConnection Initial Catalog" Type="System.String">QTest</Property>
<Property Name="RdbConnection Integrated Security" Type="System.String">false</Property>
<Property Name="RdbConnection Pooling" Type="System.String">false</Property>
<Property Name="RdbConnection User ID" Type="System.String">myaccount</Property>
<Property Name="RdbConnection Password" Type="System.String">mypassword</Property>